The most useless and unplayable game ever, no Apple TV support, No Controller support, No changeable Helicopters, really, I am glad its free, its the only thing I can say good about it, I wont delete it for a few days and see if the app creator will change it and provide support for Apple TV and put in Support of for Nimbus a Steel Series Controller that is a must have for IPad and Apple TV users. If you do not have a Nimbus, they are cheap at 60 bucks for a great controller useable on IPad, IPhone, and Apple TV. I put this out for all creators of apps, if your not adding in controller support, the guys that do will be getting all the money and you wont, I wont pay for any game that does not have controller support, I will only pay for games that prove good controller support and no micro transactions, I have made it my place to take out the companies that are using micro transactions to rob us of our money, charge a one time price and that is cool, but the micro transaction is beyond them making money, it is pure robbery, they design the games to revolve around a permanent micro transaction world only playable through more money than a full blown console game would cost, if I pay 80 bucks for a PS4 console game, get the whole game, what makes these micro transaction companies think that charging 140 bucks for gold, in game credit or what ever, and that is not even enough to say ok I wont have to spend anymore, no that is the beginning, after that you can be sure they will steal all your gold or credits by making the game so intensive you will need again to buy even more. They game that would be worth 20 bucks costs you 200 bucks and up, if we the player put a stop to it, we can shut these guys down, please support the Anti Micro Liberation Group, thanks.